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Using Formative Evidence And Formal Collaboration To Evaluate And Improve The Efficacy Of An MSP/RETA Project


"The National Research Council and the National Science Resources Center have been awarded a three-year MSP/RETA grant for Facilitating Mathematics and Science Partnerships. The primary objective of this project is to provide a series of workshops that will assist ... in improving K-16 STEM education programs through the MSP initiative.


As part of the NRC's commitment to develop a summative evaluation, in addition to a formative evaluation for this project, our RETA project is collaborating with a University System of Maryland's (USM) MSP project that is looking broadly at how the knowledge and understandings gleaned from the MSP projects become embedded in the culture of higher education. The USM's CASHE (Change and Sustainability in Higher Education) project is examining institutional change in higher education that has come about as a result of the MSP national effort (see description below). Current plans for conducting this summative evaluation are detailed below."